Friday 18 May 2007


Well, Frankfurt was.... drizzly, cold and grey (just for a change from the other two weeks I've been in Germany).

We spent the first afternoon replacing light globes in the old part of Frankfurt where my dad has a house/jazz bar/stuff. A whole family affair - father, son and daughter. Also in the rain.

Second day we were sent out of the house while my dad was
audited. Most of the city is still the same. There are still building sites, dog poo, nice old buildings and beggers.

In the evening I went swing dancing again, yuuhuu! It was a very beginners class and I found the way it was taught a bit
confusing but hey, all the ladies wanted to dance with me so I must have been doing something right. Look out boys, lock up your ladies, Joey's on the dance floor :)

Germany is the land for people that love they're bread, cheese and cold meats. Where in Australia we might have juice bars like Boost around every corner, or sushi stands, here you can buy bread. Bread bread everywhere... Bread with cheese, soft, hard, white, with green bits, with holes, meat from a cow, a pig, liver, blood, fat, chopped up finely, chopped up chunks. Bread with jam, bread with honey. My digestive system can't take much more grain.

For a country and people that are meant to be known for their order, correctness and precision, I have to say: EVERY time I've had to travel by train here there have been delays. The first time from the airport, I don't know why it was late, the second time, we were late (20 mins?) because we had to wait for 'staff' (ticket inspectors and refreshment sellers) from another train, which was (surprise surprise - running late). And most recently, my train from Frankfurt was stopped dead, no electricity, nothing. 'We apologise for the mechanical problem...'. The funny thing was when they advised passengers travelling to a particular destination to the train next to us, a bunch of people ran over and I think one made it on board. The others stood there as the doors remained shut and the train pulled away in front of them. How embarresment Deutsche Bahn.

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